Monday, July 14, 2008


Guys: I hope you find this interesting. I invite comment and suggestions. Bob Warren

A few months ago, the President of the University of Colorado was forced to admit the obvious – that his faculty was almost entirely liberal in outlook and there were so few conservative professors that the situation constituted ideological bias. This got me to thinking. Just what is a conservative curriculum for American students?
Here is my first take on the subject and I invite lots of input:
(1) Start with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Of specific note is that government derives its powers from the consent of the governed, and the people get their rights to design government from God.
(2) The design of our government is a democratic republic not a pure democracy. The Bill of Rights clearly defines the democratic rights of the people. The problem with liberalism is that it socialistic in outlook not individualistic in outlook. The result is the welfare state.
(3) Compare “Greedy” capitalism with the “Lazy” socialism of the welfare state. Check for the successes and failures of each.
(4) Compare a “charity” state with a “welfare” state. Note the importance of religion in the former and the importance of secularism in the latter. Note the difference between a state based on social absolutes and a state based solely on law and moral relativism.
(5) The importance of partisanship in promoting a vibrant state. Compare the Republican philosophy with the Democrat philosophy. Understand when partisanship is productive and when it is destructive. Case studies: Anti-war activism, political machines,
(6) Analyze how political correctness is used to undermine the role of the majority. Examine the use of the judiciary to end run the executive and legislative processes of government. Address decision making based on emotion versus reason – what is truth?
(7) What are conservative issues and why are they important. Included are:
(a) Defense of God, Country and Family – from the First Amendment to the protection of children.
(b) The significance of small, limited and responsive government as necessary to individual freedoms. The damage done by excessive legislation and regulation. The importance of public service, integrity and responsiveness to the people.
(c) The confiscatory and socially destructive aspects of government expenditures. How a “can do” nation is converted to a “can’t do” nation. What the free enterprise system can do that the government can never do.
(d) The importance of a strong defense. Why international alliances must be made with caution. The re-industrialization of the American nation. Case studies: Iran and oil, China and goods, Mexico and the border, global climate change and energy
(e) Individual optimism versus pessimism and group victimization as an individual philosophy. Which will build a stronger America? The concepts and importance of citizenship.
(8) The United States of America – a nation ascending of declining. How to judge the situation.

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